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Reflection from the coordinator

Thandiswa Nqowana

In 2020, South Africa was already in lockdown after an increase in the number of Corona

virus cases. The lockdown meant that schools and the university would be closed, and our

program would have to adjust in its operation and move to an online platform. Vulindlela

initially has whatsapp groups for parents, learners and tutors, and these groups were used for

the operation of the program. We continued sharing of educational resources on these

WHatsapp groups so that the learners in the program continue with learning even though

schools were closed. Tutors in the program each started a Whatsapp group for their specific

subjects where they shared notes and activities. In these subject groups, the tutors work with

their learners to assist with homework that was given by their teachers. Some of the learners

were not given any work by their teachers before schools closed, so the tutors really played a

crucial role in ensuring that these learners have work for revision and that they are not left


A challenge in the program was access to more educational resources like past exam papers

and books for the learners. In addition, access to the internet for the tutors and the learners

has been a real issue. In response to this challenge, a successful collaboration was started

with the journalism department through Rod Amner’s 3 rd year journalism student group. In

this collaboration, the journalism students managed to collect soft copies of study materials

from Grades 10-12, and these materials were saved on SD memory cards and delivered to the

learners in the program so that they can have access to study materials without having to use

data. These populate 32 GB of SD memory cards with past papers, notes, books that are

prescribed at school and books for leisure reading. So far we have delivered the cards to

Grade 12 learners and are currently working on delivery to the Grade 10 and 11 homes. The

Grade 12 learners have reported that they have been using the material in the cards for

preparation of tests and exams.

This year, the 3rd year Journalism students are mentored by 4th year students (Dylan and

Tristan) who also participated in the course the previous year as 3 rd year students. These

current 3rd year students focus on Education Journalism in Vulindlela, where they help with

interviewing Grade 10-12 learners and teachers about the study information they would like

to have in the memory cards. These students then download this information onto the cards

and with the help of the Vulindlela facilitator, distribute the cards to the Vulindlela learners.

In the second semester, the 3 rd year students were mentored by Dylan and Tristan in various

aspects, which are as follows:

1. Vulindlela Social media (Providing short stories based on the activities of Vulindlela

in term 3  and 4, Vulindlela Website) – Mentor Tristan

Resources: VC education initiative report, Vulindlela term 2 report, RUCE Facebook

2. SD Card impact Articles, downloading and collation of study materials for SD cards,

Tertiary applications support, NBT application support – Mentor Dylan

Resources: SD card drive, Photovoices, SD card pamphlets

It has been such an enriching experience working with Dylan and Tristan, both as students in

the Vulindlela service learning course, as well as mentors in the course. I have learnt so much

from their diligence and willingness to go the extra mile in the course. They have truly

adapted well the principles of Community Engagement, and I believe that they will both

make great journalists.



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