We aim to inspire the youth of Makhanda. To create opportunities for disenfranchised students by improving their learning experience. Equal opportunity in South African education is a myth; this needs rectifying, students in no-fee paying schools have the right to an improved learning experience.
32GB SD cards were first used as a host for student learning material during the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic. The SD card functioned as a learner support tool providing critical resources to learners in Makhanda’s no-fee paying schools. Whilst the SD card appears as the centre point of the project, don’t be fooled. Consider the SD card as a vehicle; the point lies in its ability to benefit students in Makhanda.
Meet the team
Meet The Team
Thandiswa Nqowana
A loud and proud resident of Makhanda. The SD card project was constructed within the Vulindlela programme; Thandie is responsible for high school parental support in Vulindlela.
A Rhodes University service-learning lecturer, Rhodes University Community Engagement member, studying her PhD in Biotechnology and empowering Makhanda’s residents in every facet of her work.
Thandie has guided the project with her intricate knowledge of the Makhanda community. The ability to connect people and drive solutions reflects in the success of her work.
A Zimbabwean fourth year Journalism and Media studies student focused in multimedia. He is set to complete his Bachelor of Journalism at Rhodes University in 2021.
After success in the Vulindlela project in 2020, Tristan took on the role of mentor for third-year Journalism students in 2021. His work has contributed toward the development of the service-learning curricula in the Journalism department at Rhodes.
In his fourth year, he specialised in Strategic Communications and worked with the Makhanda Circle of Unity (MCU). This work included building the website and working within the education cluster of the organisation to better understand issues in Secondary schooling.
A Zimbabwean born fourth year Journalism and Media studies student focused in multimedia. He is set to complete his Bachelor of Journalism at Rhodes University in 2021.
After success in the Vulindlela project in 2020, Dylan took on the role of mentor for third-year Journalism students in 2021. His work has contributed toward the development of the service-learning curricula in the Journalism department at Rhodes.
In his fourth year, he specialised in journalisms fo social change generating understanding around specifically solutions journalism