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Vulindlela Paves the Way to a Better Future for Disadvantaged Youth

Nonjabulo Ntuli

Updated: Nov 14, 2021

The South African education system is one of the most unequal in the world. There is a

considerable gap between model C schools and no-fee paying schools. The latter lack

infrastructure, do not have enough educators and hardly have educational resources. Rhodes

University recognises the gap and issues in the education system and is determined to play a role in solving these. Rhodes University’s Community Engagement Division has a multitude of

programmes that aim to improve Makhanda’s economic and social progression. One of these

programmes is Vulindlela.

The Vulindlela programme aims to engage with Rhodes University staff’s children and enhances their high school education to increase their chances of accessing higher education. The programme helps with providing tutoring by Rhodes University students, SD cards that have resources such as study material, past papers, and notes. Additionally, they provide career guidance for high school learners. Simanye and Somila Wakashe, in grades 10 and 11, respectively, are two of many high schoolers that are part of the Vulindlela programme.

Simanye Wakashe joined Vulindlela earlier this year with the motivation of wanting to improve

his marks. His school subjects are Physical Sciences, Life Sciences, Mathematics Core, and

Geography, which are relatively difficult subjects for high schoolers. Simanye confesses that the programme has exceeded his expectations, which was to understand the content of his subjects better, “the tutors have really helped me understand things that I had learnt in class better”. Vulindlela has made him more excited for his future as he excitedly shares, “I want to go to University, of course”. Although he is not sure what career path he wants to follow, Simanye is confident that he will have many options to choose from because of the school subjects he does now.

Somila Wakashe, Simanye’s older sister, joined Vulindlela in 2020. Before Somila joined the

programme, she did not know what to expect. All she knew about the programme was that it

would help with improving her marks. Fortunately for Somila, joining the programme was one of the best decisions for her school career. She has received tutoring for Business Studies, Tourism, and Mathematical Literacy, which she struggled with. It was especially hard as she did not have teachers for all her subjects in 2020. She praises the tutoring sessions and SD card drive for helping her pass her grade 10 year. Somila was unsure what career to pursue after matric; after attending the Vulindlela career guidance session last year, she now has clarity on what careers she could pursue with the subjects she is currently doing.

The year 2020 was challenging for both Somila and Simanye as there weren’t enough face-to-

face classes due to COVID-19 for them to completely understand the content of their

schoolwork. Somila and Simanye’s mother, Bukiwe Wakashe, had lost hope of them passing the year. She gives credit to the Vulindlela SD card drive and tutoring for helping Somila

immensely. Bukiwe happily shares that Simanye passed the year with satisfactory marks.

Simanye is excited to continue with Vulindlela for the rest of his high school career as he has

gotten a lot of help already. It is evident that hope has been restored in the Wakashe family, and they look forward to prosperity by the end of this year as well.

Somila and Simanye’s testimonies are evidence that Vulindlela has a positive impact on the

Makhanda community. The Wakashe siblings are only two of the many students that benefit

from the programme and now have a higher chance of accessing higher education. The initiative of Vulindlela is inspiring, and there is hope for the disadvantaged youth to better their futures.


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